Moonlight Creations Jewelry & Gifts

Friday, November 18, 2005

Online Party & HUGE Christmas Contest

We're having an online party on November 18th, Friday, from 8 PM to
11 PM Eastern Standard Time. Come visit us, shop our specials, and buy
some goods for Christmas gifts - or for YOU!

Stop by and visit me at my online party tonight. I'll be in the
party room from 8pm EST to 9pm EST.

There will be door prizes. And there will be a drawing later for a
larger prize.

Come chat, have fun, win prizes, and buy some special items from
unique vendors! Here's the link:

We want lots of visitors - pass the word!


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Please stop by and enter my HUGE contest

I am having a HUGE Christmas contest!

Please stop by and enter:
You won't believe what you can WIN!
